One decision can change your life
Bespoke mentoring for dentists to elevate expertise and self trust in abilities to deliver clear aligner therapy
Accredited as a Certificate in Clear Aligner Therapy (EduQual Level 7)
“My commitment to you is to provide targeted guidance and my full support throughout our journey together so you can reach your clinical and business goals - all whilst treating more patients confidently and safely.”
- Dr Millie
Your training journey
Comprehensive curriculum
Providing you with an in-depth and comprehensive set of tools and knowledge to implement clear aligner therapy safely.
Bespoke mentoring
One-to-one mentoring, including individualised treatment planning, with detailed guidance and support to build trust in your own abilities and judgement.
Long-term support to ensure you are implementing your new skills to drive your personal and clear aligner therapy business growth.
Practical implementation
Supportive community
Be a part of a safe and supportive group of like-minded individuals to test ideas and celebrate successes.
Aligner Confidence Mentorship Programme
Aligner Confidence Mentorship Programme -
Clear aligner appliances, like Invisalign, are an effective and increasingly popular alternative to traditional braces. However, many dentists struggle to implement it effectively into their practice either due to lack of patients, clinical knowledge or confidence. The Aligner Confidence Mentoring Programme aims to address this issue by providing you with the knowledge, support and tools necessary to confidently and safely offer and treat patients with clear aligners.
The Programme is designed to address the needs of dental practitioners, with comprehensive modules covering topics such as patient selection, treatment planning, and case management and identifying and addressing roadblocks that are getting in the way. By providing you with practical and evidence-based information, ideas and techniques, the Aligner Confidence Mentoring Programme will increase your confidence in your ability to deliver high-quality clear aligner therapy. With this newfound confidence, you can expand your range of services while benefiting your practice by increasing patient satisfaction and revenue.
Dr Millie’s popular and unique approach to teaching and mentoring will ensure that you never feel alone and can immediately implement what you learn. You will be equipped with the knowledge you need to reach your goals whilst benefitting from ongoing bespoke support and mentorship.
At the end of the 12 months, not only will you be confident, independent, effective and efficient, you will also receive a Level 7 Certificate*!
(*subject to successful pass)
The Aligner Confidence Mentoring Programme is suitable for:
Those who have attended previous training but are finding challenges implementing clear aligner therapy into their practice.
Those who lack the confidence to treatment plan and implement treatment and wish to have full 1-1 support and mentorship.
Those who have some experience in clear aligner therapy and want to gain more comprehensive training and mentoring to develop their skills further, allowing them to treat more complex cases safely and predictably.
Those with no previous training in clear aligner therapy but are ready to start their journey.
Those who want to gain more comprehensive assessment, treatment planning and application skills in treating patients with clear aligners.
Those who would like to learn how to add clear aligner therapy into their daily clinical practice to give their patients optimal outcomes and grow their business.
Dr Millie
Since graduating from the University of Birmingham, Dr Millie has become well-established in the dental industry, developing a keen interest in aesthetic ortho-restorative dentistry.
After trialling different orthodontic systems, Millie has now worked with the Invisalign system since 2016; she enjoys taking on challenging cases and pushing the boundaries of the Invisalign system whilst achieving optimal outcomes.
Millie has continued her post-graduate education with a year-long in-depth aesthetic dentistry course; she has completed a Diploma in Clear Aligner Therapy and is studying for her Masters in the same subject. She also studies for her Diploma in Early Interceptive Orthodontics, treating growing patients with clear aligners.
Millie is an international speaker for Invisalign, teaching clinical techniques to hundreds of dentists across the globe. She is passionate about providing the right treatment for her clients whilst creating strong, trusting relationships and mentoring her colleagues to do the same.
Millie is passionate about sharing her knowledge to help her colleagues. With her unique and personal approach to teaching, her mentees elevate their skillset and gain more confidence in practising safely and effectively.
Overview of Learning Objectives for Level 7 Certificate
Evaluate and demonstrate the importance of adult orthodontics in dentistry.
Explain and evaluate the evidence for orthodontic treatment.
Demonstrate how to create individualised patient journeys and how to successfully engage patients in adhering to requirements at each stage.
Collaborate effectively with interdisciplinary healthcare team members to ensure comprehensive patient care and treatment coordination.
Convey potentially complex treatment options to patients, in a straightforward manner using language that is tailored to the patient.
Explain how to use the personality trait model to recognise different personality traits and how to appropriately adjust approach to patient communication and interaction for greatest effect
Consistently demonstrates professionalism, empathy, and effective communication skills when interacting with patients regarding treatment options, procedures, and post-treatment care.
Demonstrate highly systematic clinical record-taking and application of a structured approach to treatment goals and planning.
Interpret complex clinical findings and formulate a treatment plan tailored to individual patient needs.
Utilises a structured approach to aesthetic treatment planning, considering patient preferences, facial aesthetics, and occlusal harmony.
Writes problem lists and diagnoses accurately, identifying malocclusions, dental discrepancies, skeletal abnormalities, and soft tissue concerns.
Explain how to integrate input from various specialities to develop comprehensive treatment plans.
Assess their scope of practice and when it is appropriate to refer.
Implement clinical photography accurately to aid assessment, treatment progress and outcomes.
Take high quality and accurate impressions of the patient.
Anticipate and uncover patient goals and potential concerns and address them in a manner that builds patient confidence.
Discuss treatment plans and options with patients transparently and thoroughly, explaining all associated fees for each option.
Explain a variety of treatment options, risks, and benefits and obtain valid consent from patients.
Show proficiency in the principles of orthodontics, including tooth movement, aligner mechanics, treatment mechanics, and occlusion.
Diagnose malocclusions, plan treatment, and execute orthodontic interventions effectively.
Utilise computer assisted technology effectively in orthodontic alignment planning, including modifying setups based on patient aims and treatment objectives.
Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of current clear aligner therapy techniques.
Demonstrate proficiency and appreciation of different treatment protocols for various malocclusions.
Diagnosis, planning, and execution of treatment for Class I, Class II, Class III, deep, open, and cross-bite malocclusion cases, as well as understanding indications, treatment mechanics, and limitations.
Explain the application of advanced treatment mechanics, such as overcorrection and intermaxillary elastics.
Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of different types of attachments and their use in clear aligner therapy to aid biomechanics and achieve treatment aims.
Explain orthodontic anchorage needs and incorporate appropriate techniques into orthodontic treatment planning and execution.
Uses feedback constructively and shows a commitment to continuous improvement in knowledge and skills related to clear aligner therapy treatment modalities.
Demonstrate the placement of clear aligner therapy appliances according to the treatment plan, ensuring precision and adherence to established protocols
Competent attachment placement, troubleshooting attachment-related issues.
Demonstrate proficiency in interproximal reduction techniques, showing safe execution, and minimisation of risks.
Evaluate treatment progress through clinical examination, occlusal assessment, and patient feedback, implementing intervention strategies for tracking loss or treatment failure as necessary.
Show proficiency in the principles of orthodontic post-treatment retention and the factors contributing to post-treatment tooth relapse.
Explain the application of different retention techniques and the appropriate application of the techniques.
Prescribe correct retention protocols for patients post orthodontic treatment whilst obtaining valid consent from patients.
Demonstrate the integration of multidisciplinary care in aligner and restorative treatment, emphasising the importance of sequencing and delivering complex interdisciplinary cases effectively.
Assess the risks and benefits of restorative treatment options, including of doing none.
Awareness of the restorative cycle and the long-term implications of treatment or no treatment.
Explain restorative treatment risk and benefits to patients, in both the short and long term, and gain valid consent.
Manage anterior aesthetic issues with restorative techniques while preserving tooth structure.
Demonstrates understanding of modern composite resin materials.
Apply layering techniques proficiently to achieve optimal aesthetics and structural integrity in composite restorations, considering principles of colour blending and light reflection.
Demonstrates proficiency in tooth preparation, incremental layering, and finishing protocols for direct composite restorations.
Explain the clinical workflow for indirect restorations, encompassing preparation design, impression-taking, laboratory communication, temporary fabrication, and final cementation.
Evaluate appropriate ceramic materials for indirect restorations based on factors such as tooth location, occlusal forces, and aesthetic requirements.
Explain tooth preparation techniques for indirect restorations.
Explain shade matching techniques so can share with the patient and laboratory.